Followed by 64 Tea Drinkers

Hinagiku 19 followers

Hi everyone! I’m a begginer, I’m still exploring this vast world of tea by re...

nishnek 47 followers

Favorite Tea Type: Darker oolong and sheng puerh Rating Scale: 90-100: Amazin...

eastkyteaguy 214 followers

My grading criteria for tea is as follows: 90-100: Exceptional. I love this s...

Kristina 11 followers

I am a relatively new tea drinker, although my time as a barista and also my ...

Keemunlover 19 followers

I love tea. Mainly Chinese teas, such as Keemuns, Shui Xian oolongs when I ca...

Kanzen Tea 0 followers


moot 69 followers

I’ve been drinking tea and writing about it for a long time. I recently wrote...

horan_ 8 followers

Young, experienced and nonetheless curious tea consumer. From tea-to-tea I’m...

John Hou 38 followers

A tea seller from China. A FQA of our price and authenticity. (Others are on...



Rating info:
100 – I haven’t found the perfect tea yet!

92-95 – So good that I will purchase this tea again, guaranteed. Excellent flavor and value.

88-91 – A tea that I would consider purchasing again at some point. Great flavor and value.

85-87 – Tea that was worth the purchase and that I enjoyed drinking, although I probably won’t be purchasing it again any time soon. Flavor may have slight drawbacks, or the price might be a little expensive.

80-84 – A tea that has some good points, but falls a bit short on its price:quality ratio. Flavor is a bit mediocre.

No rating – I did not like this tea and would not drink it, given other options.


Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

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