59 Tasting Notes
A really great tea. It is not an overpowering Pu-erh, instead it has a delicate earthy quality. It reminds me of the smell of the Pacific Northwest Rainforests—sort of a mix of wood, moss, and rain. The aroma is earthy with a slight fishy hint. The taste, however, is purely earthy (a definate plus in my book since I am not a huge fan of fishy tea). Perhaps the best part of the tea is that is absolutely lacks any bitterness that so often destroys Pu-erh. About the negative aspect is that the small cake separates into very fine pieces that went through my infuser.
Also, I like the fact that it is organic, which removes that nagging doubt in the back of my mind if my drink is laced my chemicals.
This is a wonderful dark Oolong. The aroma from the tin is amazing. Although, I don’t detect the muscat flavors, it does have a complex flavor profile—slightly earthy and nutty with a sweet finish. It is somewhat lighter and lacks the acidity than a full black tea.
A nicely balanced Jasmine Oolong. The aroma while steeping is a little overwhelming, but the floral notes and oolong come together well when drinking.
Just an additional note: Be careful not to oversteep this tea. The Jasmine can become overpowering and ruin the tea if you do.
I like Pu-erh. I don’t like this tea…at all. One of the few teas I have just thrown away. The taste was overwhelmingly bitter and astringent. I’m not sure if there was an earthy undertone lurking as I could not get past the bitterness.
Steeping this tea immediately brought back childhood memories of Peaches ‘n Cream oatmeal. While I loved my PnC oatmeal, artificial peach aroma isn’t what I look for in a tea. As for taste, a little woody, a little peach, almost no oolong flavor. Somehow the delicate vegetal taste of oolong has been overwhelmed by the weak peach flavor. Overall, an unremarkable tea. Drinkable, but boring.
Hey Andrew! You should try the Peach Oolong from Two Guys’ Tea. It is my favorite. No artificial flavoring, organic oolong. It is extremely tasty.
Check it out here http://www.myteaguys.com/apps/webstore/products/show/3707997
I’m not usually a fan of flavored teas and this one is…well…fine. Not extraordinary, but very drinkable. It has a wonderful aroma while steeping. A light apricot flavor overlies a pretty standard Ceylon black. While the apricot note is creamy, the tartness overwhelmed the sweetness of the fruit for me. Cut with a little sugar and it’s a nice way to start your day.
This tea takes the classic taste of Earl Grey and whips in vanilla. There are definite citrus undertones to it. I really don’t like it straight, but cut with milk and sugar it is delicious. However, adding milk/sugar takes away from the cleanliness of tea I love and turns the tea into more of a dessert.