I’m back from my trip, sad that 3 day weekends seem so short (as do all weekends, or any time I’m not at work).
I decided I wanted a cup of something from the minute I walked in the door but maybe caffeine was not a good idea at this late hour. I had not tried this blend from Fusion Teas before now. It smells exacly like a pumpkin pie when you open up the bag… mmm!
This was steeped for around 8 minutes with boiling water. I did add some soymilk to mine since that’s usually how I drink rooibos. This reminds me a bit of a sweet potato pie! There’s some stevia in it which is definitely not my favorite. I’d rather just add my own sweetener. Stevia leaves a weird aftertaste in my mouth. Aside from that, this blend has a lot of cinnamon, ginger and mace which does give it the flavor of a pumpkin or a sweet potato pie. If there was no stevia I certainly would have rated this a lot higher. Note to self: be a bit more careful on reading labels in the future.