A decaf green-lemon-strawberry blend that always makes me feel light-bright-sweet. This is summer in a cup — still need to try it iced!

Because this blend includes both green and herbal tea, steeping time depends on the taste for which you’re looking. Steep for 3 minutes at a lighter temperature, and you get a green tea with a touch of strawberry. Steep for 5 minutes at a higher temperature, and you get a strawberry tea with a touch of green-lemon. Ah, choices!

I created this blend myself, and it has become one my favorite evening teas. There is a hint of flavor still missing from it, though, or so I feel — Space Cowboy may need one more flavor to become a fully-layered blend. Perhaps an update is in the near future!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Ingredients: Deep thoughts, humorous beguilements, cinema and literature and the theater, education and enlightenment and wishful thinking, the dessert course, teacups rife with tea, kittens, pirates, and the letter Q.

Combine all ingredients, adding true love and sweetener to taste. Let marinate. Serve as necessary.

Yield: 1.

Opposite Universe Yield: 2. (Follow recipe as written, then follow recipe backward, separating antonyms of all ingredients. Make sure to protect mind from becoming blown.)

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