drank Earl Grey by Flavia
788 tasting notes

Amount: 1 pack
Additives: white sugar, powdered non-dairy creamer
Water: hot water spigot
Steep Time: none, flavia machine
Served: Hot

Notes: My personal preference with black teas is to add a bit of sweetener and creme to smooth the flavor out. I find this a very drinkable tea for work, mainly because it is easy and free.

Smell: citrus
Flavor: smooth black tea
Body: medium
Aftertaste: slightly bitter (adding sugar / creme lessens or removes this depending on the amount)
Liquor: dark brown

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I love caffeine! I prefer tea to coffee. I prefer my flavors to be in your face, not subtle.

0-25=Bleh! not again if it were free
25-50=Acceptable, if it were free or there were limited other tea options
50-75=I might purchase this tea from time to time, or select it while out
75-100=A staple in our cupboard from now on, I will purchase and keep purchasing


Edmonton, Alberta



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