7 Tasting Notes

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You have to be very careful not to over-steep this; the directions are perfect. If you do it correctly, it’s very soothing and will curb that sweet tooth!

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drank Fruta Bomba by Teavana
7 tasting notes

I had this sweetened/iced and blended with Teavana’s Apple, Lemon Pomegranate rooibos tea which is excellent for summer! But it’s just as lovely on its own and hot on an autumn morning when you need something sweet to get your day started.

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Unfortunately the description is a lot more delicious than the tea. Chocolate and mint go together, but maybe not with green tea.

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It makes no sense, but it is a bit creamy tasting; perhaps it is the coconut!

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drank Moroccan Mint by Teavana
7 tasting notes

This is usually my go-to tea when I’m feeling under the weather. Stomach ache, sore throat, sinus congestion? This may not cure it, but it just makes me feel good!

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drank Snow Geisha by Teavana
7 tasting notes

While it’s not exactly the delicate white tea you’d expect, if you go into this with no preconceived ideas, it’s a lovely tea. I especially love it blended with Rooibos Peach.

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