Following 93 Tea Drinkers

Tina 24 followers

JacquelineM 607 followers

I love to cook, bake, read, paint, knit, do needlework, and garden. I need my...

LiberTEAS 1040 followers

I am obsessed with tea! I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters: http://so...

Glamorosi 66 followers

My name is Glamorosi; I’m a garden to table cooking instructor, recipe develo...

AmazonV 408 followers

I love caffeine! I prefer tea to coffee. I prefer my flavors to be in your fa...

zeitfliesst 49 followers

Ratings: 1~10: Could not take any more than a few sips. 11~30: Could finish t...

Geoffrey Norman 207 followers

I moonlight as a procrastinating writer and daylight as a trader of jack. I a...

Kimberly Wilson 10 followers

Hi Everyone and Welcome! My name is Kimberly and I’m an avid tea drinker who ...

K S 454 followers

K.S. passed away in late April. There will be no more postings from him. Than...





San Francisco CA 94102 USA



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