Resteep of the previous note’s leaves. I tried it straight immediately after taking out the leaves – had the coffee bitterness again, but it went away with a reasonably small amount of agave. Coffee is once again by far the dominant note, but I noticed the chocolate more this time. About halfway through the cup I unexpectedly got some cakey flavor, and then clear out of leftfield: strawberry! It continued to build as an aftertaste, but I wish it had been more present in each sip. I don’t think I got any strawberry pieces in the leaf I’d measured out, so I’ll have to make sure there’s at least one in there next time.

Flavors: Cake, Chocolate, Coffee, Espresso, Strawberry


Haha see I almost never taste the coffee…always strawberry and cake

adagio breeze

Huh! I wonder if it’s water. I’ll have to bring some teas to the US next time I visit and see if they taste any different.

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Haha see I almost never taste the coffee…always strawberry and cake

adagio breeze

Huh! I wonder if it’s water. I’ll have to bring some teas to the US next time I visit and see if they taste any different.

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I grew up in New Jersey drinking Celestial Seasonings, and now I live in England, where I developed a taste for a good builder’s brew. Sometime in 2012 I bought my first loose teas, and my collection has since spiraled out of control. Still quite a novice, due to not drinking enough tea to keep pace with the amount I keep buying.

Some things I’m pretty sure I do like:
- most florals (jasmine, orange blossom, osmanthus, etc)
- buttery, vegetal greens
- malty blacks (usually with milk & sugar)
- oolongs that aren’t too heavily roasted

Not really feeling the flavored teas lately, for whatever reason.

All tasting notes use unfiltered hard tap water, unless otherwise specified.

No real method to my numerical ratings yet, but we’ll see what develops. So far I’ve only given ratings of 90 or higher if I actually get excited while drinking the tea.


Bristol, UK

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