Back from the US, and with my Butiki orders! This was one of my sample requests (thanks Stacy!) which I figured I should drink first because the chocolate chips had gotten a bit melty from being stashed in the attic (uninsulated & with a dark roof, it can get hot up there in warm sunny weather). If the quality suffered, I wouldn’t know it – the brew came out lush, with understated fruity and chocolaty flavors, and really sang with the addition of a tiny bit (~1/8 tsp) of sugar. The astringency of the black tea base was slightly stronger than I would like, but it didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the tea.

Exceeded my expectations. I’ll definitely buy a full bag of it when it’s cool enough to send chocolate in the mail again. Well done, Stacy!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I grew up in New Jersey drinking Celestial Seasonings, and now I live in England, where I developed a taste for a good builder’s brew. Sometime in 2012 I bought my first loose teas, and my collection has since spiraled out of control. Still quite a novice, due to not drinking enough tea to keep pace with the amount I keep buying.

Some things I’m pretty sure I do like:
- most florals (jasmine, orange blossom, osmanthus, etc)
- buttery, vegetal greens
- malty blacks (usually with milk & sugar)
- oolongs that aren’t too heavily roasted

Not really feeling the flavored teas lately, for whatever reason.

All tasting notes use unfiltered hard tap water, unless otherwise specified.

No real method to my numerical ratings yet, but we’ll see what develops. So far I’ve only given ratings of 90 or higher if I actually get excited while drinking the tea.


Bristol, UK

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