I drank some more of the Adagio Coconut sample earlier and had intended to try this back to back but got hung up on a phone call and wasn’t able to do it. So I’m comparing by memory rather than by direct back to back tastings.
The coconut pieces in this sample are huge compared to those in the Adagio. The samples smell different too. It’s funny, today I’m getting a sort of chocolatey note from both of them, and the Adagio is sort of the milk chocolate version of Mounds while the ATR is more a dark chocolate version. The coconut in the ATR is a little more green smelling than in the Adagio and since I thought the Adagio was a bit on the green side when I prefer that toasty macaroon coconut flavor, I’m wondering whether this will hold true after steeping.
The aroma has a dark character with respect to the tea and a green character with respect to the coconut. The liquor is almost a mahogany color. I’m guessing this is at least in part a Ceylon base.
Even though the flavor isn’t exactly toasty, there’s something about it I’m quite enjoying. I think it’s the fact that even though this isn’t a chocolate flavored tea, there’s a definite cocoa note, which makes this taste more like chocolate/coconut than plain coconut. There’s a slight sweetness, especially in the finish, and a pleasant aftertaste.
I prefer this to the Adagio, though I’m still not sure how I feel about coconut on it’s own as a flavoring agent. I tend to like my coconut with something else, be it chocolate, pineapple, coffee flavor, etc. I’d probably buy a chocolate/coconut blend over this, but if that wasn’t available, this would be a rather good substitute.
Yeah, although it’s really more of a single flavor with the coconut sort of melding with the tea in this one. I should have been more precise, what I meant to say was that the tea/coconut mix on its own isn’t as appealing to me as a tea/coconut/something else mixture if the something else is something I like mixed with coconut. ;-)
I agree. I’ve never really been much for coconut on its own… but, I guess tea is the second flavor?
Yeah, although it’s really more of a single flavor with the coconut sort of melding with the tea in this one. I should have been more precise, what I meant to say was that the tea/coconut mix on its own isn’t as appealing to me as a tea/coconut/something else mixture if the something else is something I like mixed with coconut. ;-)