Another Lupicia sample sachet pyramid that accompanied me to work. This time, I’m going to use half the water I used with the previous Lupicia-sachet-at-work attempts which came out weak. Yet again I forgot to bring a thermometer to work (I forgot my pedometer today as well) but the water out of the coffee maker spigot is seeming cooler today, so seems like a good time to try a green.
Smells very, very fruity in the sachet. Like the Lush flavor of 5 gum. I get pineapple/mango/citrus and a green scent from the tea underneath. The picture on this page has gorgeous colors, which I can’t see and I can’t blame their failure to appear on the pyramid. I don’t think I’d miss those colors through a slightly misty looking mesh bag. Either it was the luck of the draw in terms of what got deposited into my sachet, or they’ve changed the blend since that picture was taken.
I can already smell the difference less water makes in the aroma of the tea. It’s more concentrated than I got with previous Lupicia sachets. The green, chlorophylly, somewhat vegetal aroma of the tea dominates and the fruit fragrances are much more dilute after steeping.
The tea is sweet! Not bitter at all. Quite tasty. The fruit flavors taste stronger than they smelled, though they don’t obliterate the taste of the tea. I’d say this is a successful fruit flavored green tea, and I don’t say that lightly having tried quite a few which I thought didn’t succeed, some more spectacularly than others.
Still, I’m not wild about flavored green teas unless the flavoring is jasmine, or unless it’s a very well done mint. This is in the category of something I’d drink, happily, if it was given to me, but something I wouldn’t be likely to choose to buy.
Do you put a lid on your tea cup when you steep? It actually results in a deeper flavor no matter what you are steeping. I actually did a side by side with Lupicia’s Paradise Green before and the covered one was better.
Do you put a lid on your tea cup when you steep? It actually results in a deeper flavor no matter what you are steeping. I actually did a side by side with Lupicia’s Paradise Green before and the covered one was better.
Not at work, as I don’t have lids for my cups at work and my preparation methods at work are in general more haphazard because of distractions, etc. At home if I steep in a cup I use a Finum filter, which has a lid, and I generally put the lid over the filter.