So this is very exciting.
After checking carefully, eliminating a duplicate, and determining that I had sipped down something that I thought I still had, I now have exactly two more black teas in my cupboard that I haven’t tasted and written notes about, not including this one.
So tomorrow will be the day! I’ll have completed herbals and fruit blends and black teas. I think next up is likely to be green tea given that I have a ton of oolongs and even more samples.
Current count is,
Matchas to go: 6
Other green teas to go: 8
So I won’t make it this long weekend, and the next couple of weekends I’ll be on a business trip. But if I get all the tasting in as planned I’ll be very close to having tasted all the greens and matchas and written notes about them, too.
I discovered a couple of white teas still in my stash while doing this exercise, so I can’t claim victory there yet, and the oolongs and pu-erhs will take a while. But progress is good.
Now. This tea. The smell in the tin is candy-sweet cinnamon, in the same vein as the Harney and others. After steeping, it becomes a bit more cinnamon stick-like. Still sweet, but more spice than candy. It’s a medium orange-brown and clear.
The flavor has just the subtlest orange, which comes out mostly in the finish and aftertaste. I do taste clove, but just barely, for which I am grateful.
It’s rather the Constant Comment flavor profile, but with sweeter cinnamon and less heavy on the clove. Different from the Harney — less like red hots, more like stick cinnamon.
I like just as well, for different reasons.
Flavors: Candy, Cinnamon, Clove, Orange, Spices