Sipdown no. 44 for the year 2014. This concludes all the Adagio white tea samplers, unless I find the Jasmine Silver Needle that has either (1) mysteriously disappeared or, (2) been sipped down over the last couple of years without me remembering.
I made sure to measure by weight this time. I also went for a shorter steep time, but not as short as the Breville thinks white teas should have (2:30) because I’m not convinced from what I’ve read that’s the ideal time. I went for 4:30 because the highest rating this tea got on Steepster indicated a 5 minute steep time.
This turned out to work pretty well. The grapefruit tastes much better to me than the other flavored whites. Part of this is the way the flavoring works together with the tea base instead of seemingly at odds with it as some of the other flavored whites seemed to do. Something about the grapefruit flavoring cuts through the plantiness and reduces it to just a hint so the impression is a sweeter tea over all. The grapefruit is definitely apparent, unlike the tangerine in the white tangerine or the pear in the white pear, but it isn’t overwhelming and cloying like the coconut in the White Tropics.
This is definitely my favorite of all the Adagio white flavored teas I tried, and I actually prefer it to the plain whites, too.
Bumping the rating. It earns a place on the shopping list.
i LOVE grapefruit and grapefruit juice… can’t imagine how it will translate in tea! does it have a nice tartness to it when steeped? would you say it has a ‘juicy’ quality to it (at this point)?
It’s a little too subtle for me to consider it juicy. It was very evident though. Tartness… hmmm. Not in a mouth puckering sense, and there’s a bit of sweetness to it but it isn’t overly sweet.
Bayswater in Vancouver has a nice Grapefruit Earl Grey that works quite nicely, and I just tried a cherry graprefruit green from RiverTea that was good as well!
I don’t see grapefruit a lot in teas, interesting!
i LOVE grapefruit and grapefruit juice… can’t imagine how it will translate in tea! does it have a nice tartness to it when steeped? would you say it has a ‘juicy’ quality to it (at this point)?
It’s a little too subtle for me to consider it juicy. It was very evident though. Tartness… hmmm. Not in a mouth puckering sense, and there’s a bit of sweetness to it but it isn’t overly sweet.
Bayswater in Vancouver has a nice Grapefruit Earl Grey that works quite nicely, and I just tried a cherry graprefruit green from RiverTea that was good as well!
Grapefruit Earl Grey sounds absolutely divine.
i don’t like grapefruit :(
Yeah, it’s an interesting flavor for a tea and I’m always surprised at how well it usually works. I have a few other grapefruit teas as well.