Before I start anything I have to say that this young-ish Raw is so unique and different – it was a honor getting the chance to enjoy this buddy!

Bouquet: Like with most raw Shengs there are similar structures within its profile but on the other hand there was something I never experienced before. First and foremost the beeswax and wild forest dark honey layer is thick and massive – it conquers every inch of your near surroundings. If a Sheng is a masterpiece of a symphonia then it should water your inner mouth already and straight from the start and that’s the case for sure with this young Pu. But that’s not all – already within its steaming aromatic unfolding there is something happening which is hard to explain. Within its bouquet there is something spicy but so different something I never experienced before and this certain aspect gives you a massive tingling within your cheeks and lower lip. The best way to describe it is a feeling you get in winter coming from the outside cold into a very warm room and your whole face turns red and you get this certain tingling in your cheeks and lips. Fascinating! Beside those already named aspects its essential character is very fruity sweet with a nice floral spring freshness and a lovely composed herbal spiciness. What I really loved about its scent and the upcoming taste is this very delicious fruitiness of small wild strawberries plus a delicate layer of cherry.

Liquor: Its actual taste isn’t pleasing less in fact its composition reaches its main act. It comes along in a very creamy and thick way while after the 3rd infusion a very sweet caramel flair is adding itself to this delicious play. Major nuances are definitely those fruity wild forest strawberry and cherry ones but also other natural sweeties of pears, mango and especially blackberries plus a tiny hint of chocolate banana. But this sweetness isn’t only a direct image of the actual fruit – in some ways it really reminds me of those Capino cream candies (I am not sure if they are known outside of German speaking countries). Its liquor is quite coating and the aftertaste long and fruity sweet. The herbal floral aspects are getting stronger within later infusions also a certain astringent spicy peppery layer & a corn syrup sweetness sets in.

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I am a tea taster and tea-blog author from Vienna. Since my early Childhood days I was always drawn to East Asian culture especially China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It wasn’t a thing I discovered because of my parents or my environment – it was a thing that started on its own and spread its antennas into nearly every direction what Asian culture could deliver.

I felt in love with their history, movies, Tv-Shows, food, Anime, Videogames, tea culture – nearly everything. 2009 was the first time I visited Japan – it was a feeling of finally being home. Since that time I developed such a passion for tea because tea combines so many aspects I love. Taking photos, writing, Asian culture, the connection to mother nature and its history, the love for craftsmanship (Teaware etc).

Within 2013 I started my teablog called ZeroZen(https://zeroteazen.wordpress.com/) – the first couple of years I only posted content in my mother language German. But within 2016 I discovered Instagram for myself and found the perfect medium for my artistic output which is now completely and exclusive in English ^___~





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