It’s Christmas & a lot more!

I am really so amazed about this Lincang sample sets as I am also with this one here. Normally very fresh raw Shengs tend to be very aggressive on the stomach and with a fast bitterness showing up but none of them. All of them and also this fellow here are creamy, sweet, floral, warming and with nearly none bitterness to it (at least if you do not

steep it for 1-2 minutes) ;) – Especially the perfection of those nearly full preserved leaves within this Da Hu Sai are just beautiful and a sensation of its own. The scent of it is very much vegetable like with a spicy peppery aspect to it and a sweet vanilla undertone plus a very subtle floral layer of osmanthus.

Taste-wise it creates its own unique sensation with a very lingering aftertaste which is by the way the strongest part within this act. There is so much sweetness stimulating every aspect from scenting, tasting even to seeing pictures inside your head popping up and showing you fragments of your childhood memories. In my case bakery and Christmas. Like I mentioned the major strong aspect is for sure the aftertaste but this aspects last long – soooo long and even within this phase it is constantly changing. Everything starts with a fruity cocktail of very ripe sweet kiwi with a mix of non sour nectarines and peaches plus a final finish of a touch of honey melon. This construction develops very fast into something confectionery sweet like vanilla crescents but also creamy vanilla ice cream with a subtle tiny hint of strawberry to it.

More Reviews & Photos at https://www.instagram.com/zerozen_artlab/

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I am a tea taster and tea-blog author from Vienna. Since my early Childhood days I was always drawn to East Asian culture especially China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It wasn’t a thing I discovered because of my parents or my environment – it was a thing that started on its own and spread its antennas into nearly every direction what Asian culture could deliver.

I felt in love with their history, movies, Tv-Shows, food, Anime, Videogames, tea culture – nearly everything. 2009 was the first time I visited Japan – it was a feeling of finally being home. Since that time I developed such a passion for tea because tea combines so many aspects I love. Taking photos, writing, Asian culture, the connection to mother nature and its history, the love for craftsmanship (Teaware etc).

Within 2013 I started my teablog called ZeroZen(https://zeroteazen.wordpress.com/) – the first couple of years I only posted content in my mother language German. But within 2016 I discovered Instagram for myself and found the perfect medium for my artistic output which is now completely and exclusive in English ^___~





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