Thé des Amants : what a promise ! Amant in French is not Amoureux…It is a little bit more sulfurous…so I was expecting a very strong tea, spicy and sweet.
I sniffed this tea in a shop and adored the perfume : very strong, spicy and fruity …I picked up apple and cinnamon.
However I am always happy to see pieces of fruits mixed with a blend and not only essential oils.
Of course I bought it and brewed it immediatly…
Well…all the flavours were there apple, cinnamon, vanilla (not a very strong vanilla), almond too.
The only problem is with the tea itself : so weak, light-bodied. So light that I came back in the kitchen to read again on the sachet : black tea…oh really ?
That’s a pity because the flavours are very present and nice but I had more the feeling to drink a very good and tasteful tisane rather than a black tea.
So I rebrewed another time with more leaf and steeped it 1 min more but it developped a little bitterness I didn’t like.
Please Palais des Thés, reconsider your recipe and use a stronger-bodied tea base for this one : it could become a very great tea.