I picked this up at a little tea shop the last time I was in Cape May. I thought it would be nice to have this autumn, and then, of course, I brought it home and forgot about it. Me thinks perhaps I need a better storage/organization system for my teas. But I digress….

This tea is good, but not great. There’s a nice maple flavor, and the base tea has a slight maltiness that’s nice. There was no creamy note as far as I could tell, so I added a touch of milk. The result was a perfectly enjoyable cup, but also an easily forgettable one.

I’m going to try to remember to use up the rest of this tea over the next few months because I think this is a tea that’ll lose its flavor and body if it’s not used in a timely manner. Now if I could just remember to remember!

1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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Tea obsessed since 2010.

My Rating System:

100-95 = Teas I actively seek out and keep in my pantry. If you are a guest in my home chances are I will offer you one or all of these teas. Also, if/when these teas are discontinued I openly mourn their loss.

94-85 = Teas I truly like, often have in my pantry, and sometimes restock. These are my variety-is-the-spice-of-life teas.

84-75 = They’re good teas and I enjoy drinking them on occasion.

74-65 = These teas are ok, but not really my thing.

64-55 = meh.

54-45 = I will if I have no other option.

44 and below = Coffee, please.


New Jersey, USA



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