First tea of the morning. I haven’t had this tea in a couple of months, so having it in my cup again was like coming home. It’s such a delightful blend of the classic Earl Grey and vanilla. The bergamot is strong, but it doesn’t overpower the tea, and the vanilla adds a wonderful creamy note throughout. I was wondering if I’d still be over the moon about this tea while it was brewing, and the answer is yes. This is my perfect EGC.
Another reason I’m happy to have this back in my cup is for the caffeine and the comfort. I’m gearing up for Thanksgiving with my family (cooking and cleaning and baking, oh my!), and I’m also baking pies for friends and working on several special orders that I’ve received. I have never had this many orders to crochet before Christmas, and while I’m thrilled that my business is gaining some momentum I’m also staying incredibly busy. So I think my tea cup will full for the next few weeks!