drank Lemon Black by Wegmans
1118 tasting notes

Another cold brew! Although this is my first time logging this tea I’ve tried it at least two other times. I wasn’t impressed with it because the lemon has a bitter taste. There’s supposed to be lemon peel in the tea, but it taste more like the pith. Fortunately, cold brewing resolved the bitterness issue, and I was left with a nice cold glass of lemony tea. I went form thinking I would never buy this tea again to adding it to my grocery shopping list. This is a great summertime tea!


It’s a treat to find a cheapie grocery store tea that’s worth a repeat.


It really is! Everyone in my house drinks iced or cold brewed tea all summer, so it’s nice to have a few teas that taste decadent but won’t kill my budget. :)

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It’s a treat to find a cheapie grocery store tea that’s worth a repeat.


It really is! Everyone in my house drinks iced or cold brewed tea all summer, so it’s nice to have a few teas that taste decadent but won’t kill my budget. :)

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Tea obsessed since 2010.

My Rating System:

100-95 = Teas I actively seek out and keep in my pantry. If you are a guest in my home chances are I will offer you one or all of these teas. Also, if/when these teas are discontinued I openly mourn their loss.

94-85 = Teas I truly like, often have in my pantry, and sometimes restock. These are my variety-is-the-spice-of-life teas.

84-75 = They’re good teas and I enjoy drinking them on occasion.

74-65 = These teas are ok, but not really my thing.

64-55 = meh.

54-45 = I will if I have no other option.

44 and below = Coffee, please.


New Jersey, USA



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