Yet another sample from Fusion Tea Room – Thanks! In the bag, this smells divine. A mix of fuzzy peaches and Tim Horton’s Peach Juice, which I adored as a child. Not quite authentically peachy (I just had one, actually) but definitely a strong peach association, just a hint sweeter. Steeped for three minutes, this tea yields very large leaves, a few bits of lemon rind and a twig. Twig aside, it looks delightful and smells just like peach juice, a little less sugary though.
First sips are peachy, but mild. Not as bold in flavor as the aroma suggested. I’m not getting any discernible green tea yet but I imagine that will pop up as it cools. Personally, I don’t mind the lack of green tea taste as I’m not always a huge fan. This is definitely peachy, but in an unassuming sort of way, pleasant to taste and enjoy. I don’t think I have a peach tea yet that is so approachable. It’s not bogged down by unnecessary flavours, it is mostly just peach with a hint of green tea base. I am really enjoying this one!
Ps – I was right. As it cools, I am getting more of the green taste, but this particular cup at least is very unassuming. The tea is just there to hold up and highlight the peach – which still reminds me of peach juice, but for adults! And without sugar… : )
Enjoying a second steep which is significantly less peachy, a hint more lemon and much more green. I don’t know what I would do a second steep of this one consistently, but I thought it was worth a shot.