drank Dian Yin Zhen by Nannuoshan
661 tasting notes

I western brewed this in my red cast iron tea pot today to share with Hubby.

It didn’t look like enough tea for a pot (especially since whites are very fluffy) but I trusted Gabriele that it was right (and it was). The leaves were white and furry covered.
When infused they turned a bright green.

This brewed up a light golden colour. It reminded me of a cross between a black and white tea. First there was that malty flavour that is always part of blacks along with sweet honey notes. A bit lighter were hay & wood notes and under that was a milky creamy flavour. This tea brewed well at a higher temperature (even higher than green!) with no bitterness- very full bodied but light.

I would consider getting this one. I just loved it (Hubby liked it too).

Flavors: Honey, Malt, Milk, Wood

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 g 500 OZ / 14786 ML

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Green teas are my favourite teas but I also enjoy: white, some herbal,rooibos, raw pu’erh, light oolongs, a little bit of black , and a little bit of ripe pu’erh. I have moved away from artificial flavourings and there’s hardly anything left in my cabinet with artificial flavouring or colours. It is mostly straight teas or tea blends.


Ontario , Canada

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