This is one of those teas I’ve read great reviews on for ages. Then one day I just decided to order some anyway. It came just before Christmas and I’m having it now. The instructions say 1 tps to 8oz of water at 210F which I did. However, I notice that most other people here used a lot more tea for the 8 oz.
It definitely is hot chocolate like (without the milk and the sugar both of which I can’t have). I think this brew is a little thin so might try it with more tsps. next time like others have had. I also want to try this with some black teas I have. Is it worth it just ordering the one tea? I’d say so. This looks like a versatile tea to have on it’s own when I want a hot chocolate or to mix with other teas. I’ll enjoy trying out some different things with it.
Flavors: Chocolate