drank Oolong Chocolate Chai by T2
249 tasting notes

There is a hint of chocolate in there, but I might not even have noticed if I was drinking this with no name or ingredient info. It’s a cinnamon/ginger heavy chai, but nicely spicy without being astringent as they can get sometimes. Super delicious with a little coconut creamer added, by the way!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Cocoa, Ginger, Pepper, Toasty

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Wife, mom of 2 crazy young kids (and 3 cats, if they count). Used to be a professional tree hugger, now I stay at home hobbit-like and teach the kids to love the trees. Also hobbit-like, I love reading, tea, second breakfasts, cooking and food in general, and gardens. (I can’t really say I love gardening since where I live, it’s too dratted hot for too much of the year to actually do it.) I am always on the search for a good flavored decaf black tea. Suggestions are more than welcome!

I tend to like my teas strong, so I use more than most people when I brew. Don’t be put off a tea because I say I used 4 tsp to brew 12 oz or something – that’s just me.

PS – Unlike a hobbit, my toes are not furry. I just feel the need to clarify.



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