drank Watermelon Oolong by Tea Revv
249 tasting notes

The fragrance is pure watermelon Jolly Rancher. That’s probably not good for tea, but I can’t help it, I do love those things and the mere scent makes my mouth water. My whole kitchen smelled like it after I brewed some. It’s probably a good thing that the fragrance is much stronger than the flavor, but I can’t help but feel like there’s something missing. It just underwhelms. Did you ever try to melt hard candy in water as a kid, figuring it would give the water some great flavor? And it would smell like the candy, but it just tasted kind of like slightly different water? That’s what this tea makes me think of. It’s tea that someone dissolved a Jolly Rancher in, and it just makes me kind of sad that it doesn’t taste that way, too. It does have a sweetness to it, just not as much as I want with a tea that smells like this.

Flavors: Candy

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Wife, mom of 2 crazy young kids (and 3 cats, if they count). Used to be a professional tree hugger, now I stay at home hobbit-like and teach the kids to love the trees. Also hobbit-like, I love reading, tea, second breakfasts, cooking and food in general, and gardens. (I can’t really say I love gardening since where I live, it’s too dratted hot for too much of the year to actually do it.) I am always on the search for a good flavored decaf black tea. Suggestions are more than welcome!

I tend to like my teas strong, so I use more than most people when I brew. Don’t be put off a tea because I say I used 4 tsp to brew 12 oz or something – that’s just me.

PS – Unlike a hobbit, my toes are not furry. I just feel the need to clarify.



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