19 Tasting Notes

drank Ginseng Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
19 tasting notes

Very green,sweet and very smooth. I didn’t know if I would like it so I only bough 50g but sort of wished I bought more. A great pick me up tea.

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drank Strawberry Bloom by DAVIDsTEA
19 tasting notes

Smelled like strawberries dried but lacked it in taste and smell after. I don’t think I would buy this again.

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drank Red Velvet Cake by DAVIDsTEA
19 tasting notes

Yummy! Smells like cake, tastes like cake! thankfully I bought 100g of this tea!

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drank Oh Canada! by DAVIDsTEA
19 tasting notes

Sadly my 100g of this tea have very few sprinkles and even less chunks of caramel bits.The maple flavor was ok, but much better when I added maple sugar. I’m Canadian and I love maple so this tea works well for me.

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drank Samurai Chai Maté by Teavana
19 tasting notes

I tried some in the store,the taste was good but it actually made my tongue numb, must have been the cloves….

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drank Azteca Fire by Teavana
19 tasting notes

I really wanted to try a spicy tea, sadly this one is not really that spicy it is however very good. Chocolate and fruit yumm.

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drank Peach Tranquility by Teavana
19 tasting notes

I think I found my new favorite! This is like peach candy, the smell all by it self makes me want to just eat it.

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I bought this tea as I LOOOOVE blueberry jam. The smell is just like opening a homemade jar of jam. The taste is a bit light for me but I don’t add sugar and I think that would brig this tea out a bit more. 100g is not going to last long ….

5 min, 0 sec

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drank All The Raj by DAVIDsTEA
19 tasting notes

I just received this tea this morning. On opening the bag there was a weird pickle like smell, but as it had settled in it’s tin I only get a floral smell. This tea reminds me of rose candy I had as a kid. Very light, not too overwhelming with the floral taste ( no soap taste…), I great tea to have while reading.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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