183 Tasting Notes

drank Pumpkin Chai by DAVIDsTEA
183 tasting notes

I was going to wait awhile to review this one, but the bag smelled so good I couldn’t resist. Before adding water, it smells like really good oatmeal cookies. Steeped smell is cinnamon and pumpkin. On taste I get the same, and it’s pretty well balanced. After I was halfway done drinking it I added milk and a little sugar. With milk the pumpkin taste is a little stronger. This is really good. The best home made chai latte I’ve had thus far actually.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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First time tasting it: The tea base is a little more robust than other rose teas I have tried, and there is also a faint hint of a smokey taste to it for me. The second time I made it, it seemed more mellow, and I did not get any smokey notes. Everything is pretty well balanced on taste and smell. I really like rose mixes for iced teas when the weather is hot, and this is a good option for that.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Lynxiebrat 12 years ago

Smoky in a Lapsang Souchong kind of way? The one LS I had, I DID NOT care for, so if the Rose Congou is kind of like that, probably won’t like it. Generally I adore flower teas, taste and smell wise, particularly rose.

El Monstro 12 years ago

Nah it’s wayyyyy more subtle, in fact when I just had it again after it had sat around and aged a few months I didn’t detect any smokeyness at all. It’s worth a try if you like flowery teas.

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drank Earl Grey Bravo by Adagio Teas
183 tasting notes

In the bag it smells sweet and citrusy, like orange candy. After steeping, the smell kind of reminds me of some black teas with rose I’ve tried. I mostly taste black tea in the forefront here. I also taste a hint of orange rind in the aftertaste. This is decent hot, but iced and sweetened is how I prefer it. Hot score 79, iced and sweetened 84.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Scent: Reminds me of the fresh seaweed and cucumber salad served in sushi restaurants. I also get a perfumey, sweet scent as it cools, which the seaweed smell takes a back seat to.
Taste: Unique, I cant quite think of anything similar to compare it to . Fresh, a little sweet, and floral (kind of makes me think of lavender) is the best way I can describe it. I like this with long steeps and no sugar.
Update: the most recent time I had this I got some hints of cinnamon-like notes after it had cooled down quite a bit.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Sweet Dreams by Bigelow
183 tasting notes

I have to give this tea recognition, it is what got me started as a tea drinker way back when, along with their peppermint, spearmint, and orange spice flavors. I still drink it once in awhile before bed, pretty relaxing with a little honey in it.

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I got this as a free sample with a bigger order. I was surprised how fast the bag perfumed the air after cutting it open, smelled really good. Tastes strongly of jasmine, but not TOO strong, just right. Also reminds me of bubble gum, in a good way. This is now my top jasmine tea, until something else can dethrone it…

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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The smell of osmanthus fragrans trees/shrubs (aka sweet olive) has always tickled my fancy (ok I’m a horticultural geek, what of it?) When I saw this I had to try it. I guess I’d describe the scent as an orange or peach lollipop. Maybe a little vegetal and minerally oolong smelling as well.
It tastes like it smells. It seems like the cooler it gets, the more the osmanthus comes through. This would probably be excellent iced.

I just made this again and steeped it for quite some time. This time the osmanthus is quite a bit more noticeable and sticks around in the aftertaste, giving the tea a much more floral vibe than the first time I had it.

Quite good iced.

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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I wasn’t going to review any teas tonight, but I’m tipping this cup for one of the homiez dat ain’t with us no more (I.E. Huell Howser).

Smells great as most earl greys do. Kind of a light, refreshing earl grey, would probably make good iced tea. I’m going to try the premium version this company currently offers as well, and make one of the two a regular late night thing.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I’ve been looking forward to trying this one.
Smells like: campfire, bbq smokehouse.
Taste reminds me of: pine, smoked bbq, and a little bit of a grassy taste. I was expecting strong flavors after smelling it, but it was actually kind of on the mild side.
I’m tempted to try this in some kind of marinade.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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