After the launch party for our TV show, we hadn’t eaten much, so we stopped at a small afghan place. While waiting, I browsed the shelves and found this in half kilo packs.
The anticipation of the ride home turned to consternation as I opened the packet. It smelt of menthol.
I brewed a pot anyway.
The cardamom smell, previously absent, did come out as the water was poured on.
The first sip was nice, mildly cardamommy.
Then the mentholation hit.
I have no idea what is wrong and why it tastles like mothballs. I only know I have 498grams that I am never ever ever going to drink.
Selling this tea should be an indictable offence.
More compost for the garden? I’ve got a couple of tea that are too old to drink or give away that are meeting that fate this spring. :D
That’s very practical advice, Heyes. I also thought of offering to people who roll their own cigarettes or who are plagues by moths.
This inspired me to post this
More compost for the garden? I’ve got a couple of tea that are too old to drink or give away that are meeting that fate this spring. :D
Drink it the next time you have a sore throat, you’ll appreciate the menthol more perhaps.
That’s very practical advice, Heyes. I also thought of offering to people who roll their own cigarettes or who are plagues by moths.
This inspired me to post this