Followed by 80 Tea Drinkers

IrishBreakfastLass 95 followers

I’m at-home mother of 4, married 10 years. Tea, like knitting, is therapy for...

TeaGinner 142 followers

I am a tech-savvy tea enthusiast that loves playing guitar and drinking tea!

teevogel 50 followers

Have been drinking tea for over 15 years now(and rooibos for over 20). I lik...

patrick 23 followers

refound tea lover with more of a passion. university student studying Recreat...

mrsips 1 followers

Lazey 57 followers

Drink tea. Raised by cats. Fish through the ice.

looseTman 198 followers

My wife and I enjoy shou that: - is Full-bodied, thick, rich, creamy smooth -...

Rob Rauschenberg 149 followers

I enjoy both the long history of traditional tea and the modern blends. Laosh...

ifjuly 164 followers

“…you can never know everything about anything, especially something you love...



With a passion for tea and love for travel we opened The Tea Merchant so we could do what we love and love what we do. We think we are very lucky to be able to travel the globe to find the best tea, exotic new blends and the best teaware and share it with the rest of the world.

We focus on Organic and Fair Trade teas with sustainable business practices. We use Organic tea so its good for you. Fair Trade so its good for the workers, their quality of life and the communities where they live. Sustainable so its good for the environment for generations to come.

We also have some of the most beautiful handcrafted teaware. Its a perfect blend of east and west influences that is truly unique. The teaware is well balanced like a well made tea completing the unrivaled experience.

We are a new tea company so please stop by the website and give us a try. Rate our tea and critique it, we will only get better from it.


Murrieta, California


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