So, I might be wrong, but I don’t think I’ve reviewed this one yet.
I’ve had this tea the last few mornings (with the exception of this morning) and this tea is amazing! It has been calling out to me in my cupboard ‘cause it didn’t quite fit in the holder of the bags of tea that I have, so I thought I better start drinking it up. I don’t remember all the details about this one, but it is a sweet tea that is almost like a really mild chai tea to me. I’ll have to update this one if I find it’s different, but the last few mornings, that’s what it’s really kind of tasted to me.
I love the sweet, slightly spicey taste of this one. I should have gotten more of it.
I’ve been really good and haven’t bought any tea in over a month!! I know that doesn’t sound long, but for me it feels like it has been ages.
Anyways, they don’t have anymore of the website, so I’ll just enjoy what I have. Delicious!!