I gotta say, tea is such a wonderful thing. Every day it’s something different, even when you think it’s not going to be. And it’s amazing that sometimes all it takes for it to be different is for the water temp to be too high or too low, or if you let it steep a few mins longer or shorter… This world of tea is really something you can experiment with and never get bored.
And even when you think you might be getting bored, mix it up!
Hate that one kind of tea? Try different flavours or mix them together.
Try different amounts of sweetner or no sweetners.
Try that rooibos with milk! Try it straight up!
Try that black tea with honey! Try it with lemon! Try it in sipping cups instead of a mug!
Try a tea variety that you’ve never had before like white tea or pu’erh, or Oolong!
Try a plain tea instead of a crazy flavour, or vis versa.
Tea is really an expression of yourself, I’m finding. And depending on what tea you grab, can really share your mood and feelings about things.
I am constantly asked what teas I have that are good. What is the definition of good? I think all my teas are good in one way or another. And I know that my teas don’t appeal to everyone either. But, I know what I like, and I try to figure out what others like to help them along the way… which is another reason that I love giving friends samples of my teas.
Anyway, I should really get onto the tea!
Steeped this one for 2.5mins today. I’m finding it a lot more subtle and delicious. I almost wonder if I should stick with the shorter steep time for this one so it doesn’t turn bitter and it stays yummy!
I definitely recommend this one. It’s a very nice black tea with a flavour that isn’t too subtle. It’s lets you know that it’s there. It doesn’t get lost when you add things to it either. Very good!