This is my first time brewing it, but it has a pleasant color somewhere between rooibos and hibiscus, I suppose. The smell is mildly sweet and almost citrusy, and the taste isn’t overbearing. It doesn’t have a bitter taste, which is probably due to its low tannin content. I think this tea has a more mellow flavor than rooibos, so I prefer it.

A few interesting facts; honeybush gets its name from its flowers, because they smell like honey. The plant itself happens to be part of the legume family, so this tea produces isoflavones, a type of antioxidant not found in other teas.

Flavors: Floral, Fruity

200 °F / 93 °C

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It’s almost time for elevensies, and I haven’t even had second breakfast. You don’t mind if I leave this blank, do you?

Just kidding.

So, there isn’t much to say honestly. I suppose I could say I enjoy tea – something quite obvious given my account. I could say that I’m not Peregrin Took as well, also obvious.

Anyway, I got tired of the babble, so I deleted it. I might even replace it at some point. I do need to go get my tea, though. I think I’ve left it steeping for too long. Oops.

My profile picture broke. I’m so upset. I had to get a new one.



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