drank Darjeeling Green by Shanti Tea
20 tasting notes

This is a delicate tea and can be over brewed easily.

The liqueur is a light amber color, almost looking like it has no flavoring to it. It smells floral and fruity. The flower smells like rose but it tastes like jasmine. There is a lightly earthen tone at the back of the smell that is similar to many black darjeelings.

The taste is started off with a overtone of jasmine that slowly introduces the taste of fruit. It is sort of like a low roasted fruit taste though, like a low roasted pear or red apple. As you hit the end of the tea flavor it starts to hit a roasted nut and rice tone.

For more information and pictures see below.


180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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I am the Tea Snob. I only like certain teas and the rest aren’t worth your time.



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