drank Jade Snow by Teaopia
16 tasting notes

Jade Snow is a mix of Green (Jade) and White (Snow) Tea.
It’s not a real Snow Tea (which is not Sinensis) but usual white upper leaves, i couldn’t really make out hairs but there are some light green leaves mixed with larger darker greens (photo)
The problem with this tea is how to brew it. I wasn’t able to really brew it perfectly.
It get’s either watery with less aroma (2min 60 °C, good for green but useless for white) or bitter (3-4min 70-80 °C, good for white but makes green bitter).
Maybe the best way to drink it is with about 3grams for 100-150ml water, steeping it for 2.5-3 minutes at 65-70°C.
with 4-4.5minutes at 70 °c you get more sweetness and flavour (you can smell a wonderful sweet aroma on the leaves after straining) but also quite bitter tea.
but that hasn’t got to be bad. just try it and imagine drinking a bitter snowy “winter” sinensis with sweet aroma and a taste of iced tea.
The tea couldn’t really convince me but maybe there are lovers out there who appreciate the bitter and sweet taste.

edit: today i tried 70-80 °C and 2 – 2.5 minutes and got a better result. No bitterness, more flavour. I used a cold pot and brewed the leaves with 80 °C, so they can get soft quickly, the water went down to 73 °C very fast so it steeped at like 73 °C with a hot initial wash.
The taste was ok, nice warm aroma, but nothing special really. More like a Bi Luo Chun.

Flavors: Bitter, Grass, Sweet

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 15 sec 2 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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i’ve been drinking original teas from china for several years since a contact in zhejiang area sends tthem to me through my uncle 2 times a year.
i’ve had all kinds of chinese green tea like mao jian, long jing, fo cha, wu yuan and went on to puer teas of all kinds.



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