86 Tasting Notes


With a name like Russian Black, I expected a smoky flavor but got quite a surprise. This is a sweet fruity blend. According to the description, this is a popular blend created for one of their tea parties. You can easily taste the strawberries and raspberries. I definitely will be picking up more of this so that we can try it as ice tea next time.

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My husband ordered this at lunch since I’ve been preaching tea tea tea. He thought it was brewed but he can’t handle the syrup method since they usually contain red dye. Sorry to say it continued being passed around the table. Way too sweet for me but our teenager thought it was great.

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Happy to say my efforts move the entire family away from soda to ice tea have been successful. This seems to be my husband’s favorite ice tea. The fruit bits add a pleasant raspberry taste. I’ve had plenty of others that had an artificial taste afterwards. We’ve already downed the entire pitcher. Looks like I’m going to have to start making a double batch.

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drank Tender Leaf by Folgers
86 tasting notes

I was served this at Jose Pepper’s today. For me, ice tea on a hot day is always a treat but this was exceptionally good. I think I lucked out with it being late afternoon. I feel like they must have brewed a large fresh batch right after the lunch rush to get ready for the evening crowd. I’ve always thought coffee when I hear Folgers. Not any more.

__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Yes, that’s surprising to hear that Fogers does tea, I didn’t know that either.

philipandrew85-at-yahoo-dot-com 12 years ago

its very good tasty!

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drank Awake English Breakfast by Tazo
86 tasting notes

I reach for this whenever I feel like a little extra kick in the morning but this time I needed the kick just to keep going. With the temps starting to creep toward 100, I’m beginning to drag. It seemed to help but I think that I needed to double brew.

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drank Earl Grey by Tazo
86 tasting notes

We went through several pitchers of this iced this evening at a family gathering. Seemed like the pitchers were empty just as soon as we could make another. With so many people and so much commotion, it is a good thing that it was very forgiving with steep time. We all got busy and forgot it was steeping at one point. Later the gang just couldn’t wait and we rushed one pot. It was a great tea for the crowd!

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drank Orange & Spice by Lipton
86 tasting notes

I originally picked this up because it did not include hibiscus. I’m never fond when that flavor pops up in several other Orange Spice teas. Enjoyed this because it is basic and true to the name.

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Tried this again. Without the chocolate flavor, this seems like an Earl Grey. It carries a similar orange liqueur taste.

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Fixed with a K-cup in the machine at the dentist. Nice but not a great cup. It reminded me of The Republic of Tea’s Cardamon Cinnamon Herbal Tea. The Cardamon overshadows the other flavors.

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Anna Marie’s Tea Shop was serving this at the Taste of Liberty event this evening. Given that the weather was warm and humid after a storm, this was a delight served iced. My husband enjoyed it so much that he actually suggested that I purchase some to fix at home. What a shock since he is usually teasing me that I have too much tea stock piled. Who was I to argue???

jessica 15 years ago

Hi, I don’t mean to be creepy or anything but I LOVE this tea so much! it is a perfect summer drink!

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