Followed by 152 Tea Drinkers

augustgarage 37 followers

Converted to Oolong and beyond starting around ’98 or so when I was hanging o...

TeaGirl 54 followers

I grew up drinking black teas every night before bed because of my Canadian m...

TheLastDodo 158 followers

I dream in tea. My name is Maddi. I like to take boiling hot showers and medi...

Equusfell 54 followers

I started drinking something other than Sleepytime in my first year of grad s...

Red Fennekin 50 followers

Junior doctor and casual tea-drinker. It’s been a busy few years for me – I’v...

Sophie Tea House 58 followers

We provide with quality Shaanxi Fu zhuan tea ( Mo Jun Fu Cha)and Puerh tea( X...

leaf in hot water 49 followers

finding myself in hot water again and again… I grew up in a tea drinking cult...

Martha Jackson 3 followers

There are various different ways in which people search for dentists nowadays...

Mike 44 followers

I’m a tea novice, and I’m loving my introduction to the World of Tea. I start...

kieblera5 144 followers

Learning more about tea every day. Likes: Greens, whites, oolongs, blacks, an...



Joined December 2013
Updated February 2016

Latest News: I brought my cupboard up to date (woot!)

Fond of Puerh (raw and ripe), Yunnan Blacks, Oolongs. Occasionally drink Assam, Darjeeling, Keemun. Not a fan of any flavored teas.

Doing limited swaps once again, but please try to not overwhelm me!

On Instagram as TeaExplorer. Only pictures of tea-related things, perhaps occasional cats and interesting outdoor shots. No food pix, I promise! I want to use the pictures to supplement my reviews here on Steepster.

My profile pic is of a cat we fostered a few years ago. She is an undercover spy (codename: Tessa). You’d feel eyes on the back of your neck, turn around, and she’s be hidden somewhere up high, looking down at you. She’s now gathering intel on her new family.


Florida, USA


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