Tea Market in Kansas City, Missouri
Tea Evangilist rated this place
and said Edit

This is the best tea shop in the entire Midwest. Although the website is under construction, I’ve been told it will be up and running soon. Even as such, you can still order tea over the telephone and they will ship anywhere in the continental U.S.

The tea classes given are professionally done, and interject the humor and personality of the shop owner & instructor. They are listed at: www.teamarketclasses.blogspot.com

With over 80 selections of premium whole loose-leaf tea, you could spend many wonderful moments smelling tea samples and tasting the teas that are offered everyday. The teas are stored properly and when you make a purchase, you are given a FREE tin in which to store your tea — AND you can bring it back for a refill and get 10% off when refilling a tin!

They are open 7 days a week — even on Sundays from 11:00-2:00.
I tell everyone I know about Tea Market and highly recommend it to you.

Tea Evangilist


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