Oh Monday. Why art thou Monday? Why do you have the pleasure of being the first day of the week? Why cannot another day trade with you once in awhile?
So this tea, ah alas, I fell to the Teavana sales lady on this tea. I was there for the 50% off sale and I wanted to try a green tea. But, lo-an-behold the lady tells me “8 oz minimum on sale teas”. Wha? I was just there cough 24 hours before an no such min, but she says the manager insists.
Well ok, 8oz, sure ok, well I grab a 50% off 5-8oz canister and we start filling. She ONLY gets ALMOST 3 oz into it. We try a bigger container. So now I have a HUGE tub of this tea in my home, and there was still 2 oz she sent me home with in a bag. Sigh
The TEA:
Luckily, I like this tea. Its been an education though. First time I burned it and it tasted very grassy. The 2nd steeping was even more grassy, exactly like high school football turf. How do I know what football turf tastes like? Hmmm, well…. grade school kids do odd things.
Anyways, 2nd try was oh so much better. This tea definitely likes cooler temperatures. I’m not sure if I’m using enough, since I only get the palest of color, but it is so pleasant.
I learned something else with this tea. It does NOT like being left in a non-air tight bag. Doesn’t taste much like anything, until you brew it too long and then its like cheap bagged tea.
So on this Monday of Mondays, I moved some leaves from my well endowed mega tub into a smaller workable container and brewed some fresh. Ahh so light, refreshing, slightly sweet with something else. I think that is the Umami? Its a concept I’m still struggling to understand when I drink tea (and other foods). But ahhh, it hits the spot.