Aroma: Fresh hay, a little grassy and a sweet, slight fruity element.

Flavour: The first few sips are fruity, like warm freshly squeezed grape nectar, with slow steady hints of cherry. It’s sweet, gentle and fulfilling.

Final Thoughts: Himalayan first flush is totally elegant; both tea and packaging have that type of class that comes with good champagne. Obviously, such an exclusive and complex tea is going to come with a price tag that exceeds the usual. However, this beautifully flavoursome and light tea is worth every penny. Recognition for exquisite Nepalese teas like this one is on the rise, and it’s great that Tea in the City has sourced and stocked it in advance of that trend. I love the company for this, all of their teas are special, so even if this one doesn’t tickle your taste buds, the company is still worth checking out for their other premium teas.

Flavors: Drying, Floral, Fruity, White Grapes

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Tea Blogger. Exploring tea. Love to help fellow tea lovers discover new flavours.

Tea in cupboard is all tea I’ve tried, not updated to what I actually have right now!

Love: Nearly all oolong, malty black tea, earl grey, most chai, mint leaves, jasmine pearls.
Meh: Green tea, puerh, matcha.

00-25 – Hated it. Would never buy.
25-50 – Disliked it, probably because I just don’t like that tea.
51-60 – Ok/neutral stance.
61-70 – Tasty. Wouldn’t buy
71-80 – Really enjoyed, could be improved.
81-90 – Really loved it, would consider repeat purchase.
91-100 – Fav. Will repeat purchase.

I’m also on Twitter and instagram @tastetheteablog :)





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