drank Mocha Nut Mate by Adagio Teas
541 tasting notes

This is yet another Adagio tea that I have been neglecting to drink. I got a sample of this tea last year. I always disliked steeping it because the leaf is so so small! My solution to the steep problem has been to use Teavana tea bags. They solved the mess quickly and I will have to remember it for future steeps. This tea has a great price tag ($6/3oz).
I’m actually really anticipating upping the rating on this because I think that as I have tried more tea that the nuances of this will be more appreciated.
mmmm I think this is much better than other times I have brewed it. Why have I been neglecting this tea?! Very tasty with lots of different nut notes. The chocolate is there, but in the form I like it most: not overly chocolate oil. I steeped for 5min and I think that this was the perfect timing for my taste buds.

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