I got a box or two just a month ago from a friend of mine for my birthday. To my surprise, It was AMERICAN and AMERICAN made tea! I knew I just have to try a bag or two and found it to be quite tasty with lots of milk and sugar.

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 45 sec
Bigelow Tea 13 years ago

Anthony, great to hear your were so pleasantly surprised by the American Classic Tea. Please check out and enter for a trip to the Charleston Tea Gardens, where this fine tea is grown. Need to hurry though, last day to enter is January 31st, tomorrow!

Kathy for Bigelow Tea

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Bigelow Tea 13 years ago

Anthony, great to hear your were so pleasantly surprised by the American Classic Tea. Please check out and enter for a trip to the Charleston Tea Gardens, where this fine tea is grown. Need to hurry though, last day to enter is January 31st, tomorrow!

Kathy for Bigelow Tea

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I’m a tea lover and a traveler. I believe in delving into cultures and cuisines. In so doing, I have found tea to be the most exciting and adventurous beverage in the world that has played a role in history and in the lives of many. Now that’s a shrub isn’t it!
Note: I may be a purist at times where some teas needs to be enjoyed naturally, yet I do enjoy many other teas that find its way into my palate!

Favorite Teas: Yunnan teas, the staple Assam and some Darjeeling, love Japanese greens, and “indie” teas either home grown or unfamiliar regions i.e. Turkey, Georgia, love Tisanes, Oolongs, some white teas, and my favorite staple: Chai teas.



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