Harney & Sons teas have become my go-to morning jump starters lately for several reasons:
— Their online bulk tea prices are currently among the best values out there. — They have fast, free shipping. — The teas are good.I have wanted to try this Tippy Yunnan tea because of my love for Yunnan and Keemun teas. I don’t think I’ve yet encountered a bad one, by any company, regardless of price.
I bought a pound of this product and when I opened the large sealed bag, my smelling sensors didn’t receive the leathery aroma that I expected. The odor was sweet and more like Ceylon tea. The leaves were medium-length and dark brown.
I steeped the leaves for five minutes at 212 degrees. The final liquor was a dark molasses brown. The aroma was mostly sweet like syrup.
The flavor of this tea had primary caramel and pancake syrup attributes.
Recognizable black tea tasting points were at least five rows back. There was a slight amount of astringency in my first couple of sips but that seemed to disappear quickly as I slurped deeper into my cup.
I would not easily identify this tea as a Yunnan tea but it does possess some of the qualities I like about that variety. It is smooth without (lasting) astringency and there is no bitter aftertaste. I also enjoy sweet black teas, as long as they taste natural (which this one does).
I would chalk this one up as another wise purchase from Harney & Sons. I will savor its sweet and smooth characteristics in my morning jump start tea rotation and I will have no problem devouring the entire pound. And, I just might repurchase another pound when the bag is empty.
Flavors: Caramel, Pancake Syrup
Thank you for a thoughtful review. I have similar taste in teas with you and had been tempted to check out the Chinese tea offerings by Harney&Sons for a while because of their quick shipping and great price. I really enjoyed Panyang Congou some time ago but chalked it up to scoring a lucky shot (no harvest date? no location?). Your review gives me enough reasons to finally try them out.
Thank you for a thoughtful review. I have similar taste in teas with you and had been tempted to check out the Chinese tea offerings by Harney&Sons for a while because of their quick shipping and great price. I really enjoyed Panyang Congou some time ago but chalked it up to scoring a lucky shot (no harvest date? no location?). Your review gives me enough reasons to finally try them out.
Hi Blugreen! Thanks for your comment. I’m glad I could help you make up your mind about trying a Harney & Sons tea. Their Panyang Congou is another good one. As I type, I am steeping Harney’s Pu-erh tea which I also recently purchased. I’ll put my thoughts about that one on Steepster too.