I must admit, I was very excited to try this Puerh, especially when I first unwrapped it. There wasn’t really a strong smell at all but I was not expecting much from the 2007 sheng.
The first brew was, how do I put this lightly…..terrible! Boy was it unbelievably astringent and just bitter. Ok, there was a hint of fruity sweetness to it, but it did not make up for the bitterness that came before and after. After the 4th infusion, the tea became far more palatable. Either that, or my taste buds just conformed to the astringency. 5th brew was definitely the best (and that’s not saying much), but I was only able to get about 8 infusions.
Still, I am sure this pu will age rather well. I’ll give it another shot several months from now.
I have a cake which gave me a very similar response. After I placed it in a proper container it has developed into one of my favourites. Tell me, where are you with this cake now?