It’s extremely important that the flavor and quality is completely dependent on how many infusions it has gone through.
First infusion: 4 minutes at 212 degrees:
Extremely dark, purple-brown opaque liquor. Smells of wood and fish. When drunk, produces a very dry texture, almost like drinking sawdust. Very earthy, reminds me of camping in the woods. Warming.
Second Infusion: 4:20 at 212 degrees:
Much lighter in color. Much smoother. Still wooden, but a bit of peppery flavor peeks through.
3rd infusion: 5:00 at 212 degrees: Much paler than last brew; golden. Very smooth. Full-bodied, notes of sweet wood and black pepper. Very satisfying.
The third brew is very satisfying. Tons of earthy character in this tea.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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