Third tea to come in my Sips By April box. This one isn’t in the steepster database yet and I apologize for the lack of picture, I couldn’t figure out how to put one in.

This is apparently an unsmoked lapsang souchong tea, according to the little card I got. It’s an interesting black tea, the dry scent is very minerally and the wet scent and taste is minerally and malty. The tea itself brews up a very light colour and the taste is pretty light as well if you go by their steeping directions of 2 minutes in 195F water, which I did. It steeps at least twice as well, maybe 3 times but I haven’t tried a third steep yet.

A pretty good black tea but not one I’d go out of my way to purchase, I don’t think.

Flavors: Malt, Mineral

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Single, vegetarian, asexual, 5 cats. Airplane Engineer. I drink most of my tea with a bit of sugar and all the ones with a black tea base with a little bit of milk too. I’m super sensitive to bitterness and spiciness so I tend to avoid those.


Renton, WA, USA

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