I got this tea on the recommendation of another Steepster after I reviewed Yogi’s Breathe Deep tea, and as such I cannot help but compare the two.

I found this tea to be all right, but frankly a bit bland, especially after drinking the Breathe Deep. It also has a slight but noticeable bitter undertaste to it. The packaging recommended adding honey, which did eliminate the odd undertaste and make the tea smoother and a little richer. While Breathe Deep has a very strong licorice and eucalyptus flavor and smell, Breathe Easy is much, much lighter on both.

I did not notice the almost immediate easing of my tightened airways with Breathe Easy that I noticed with the Breathe Deep, though I think it did help some.

Ultimately, although this is an okay tea, I won’t be buying any more because I like the Breathe Deep so much better. However, for those who don’t like the strong flavoring in the Breathe Deep, Breathe Easy may be a good choice. It’s not bad; it’s just not, well, my cup of tea.


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Wage slave, artist, crazy cat lady, and all-around slob.

A lifelong soda addict, I am in the process of changing my drinking habits from over a 2-liter bottle of sugary soda per day to maybe a can or two of Coke Zero and lots of tea per day instead. As such, I tend to enjoy teas that are naturally a bit sweet and not at all bitter, which (so far) means that I’ve had more luck with herbal and rooibos blends than with traditional black teas.

I’m trying different teas to expand my selection and knowledge, and I think that Steepster is going to be a great resource for me to keep up with what I’ve tried and what’s out there.


Nashville, TN



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