I picked up a 6 bag “Traveler’s Tea Tin” of this.

Very fragrant tea. I can taste the peach, but I’m not getting a lot of the ginger. I suspect it might come out more when iced, but I was expecting a bit of a bite from it, and it’s just not there.

Not a bad tea, but not one I think I’ll consiously want again – I’ll just use these up and reuse the cute little travel tin for loose tea, if I feel like it won’t open on it’s own.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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When I was a very young child, I swallowed an ice cube whole. It got stuck in my throat, and my mother had me drink hot tea to melt it away. That started a love affair with tea that has never abated.

I dabbled with Celestial Seasonings and other grocery store teabags for awhile, in my young and foolish days. But a few years ago, I received a tea of the month subscription from Adagio, and I found that there was a whole other world of tea out there that I had never experienced.

I love drinking tea, and I love the personal ceremony of making a glass or pot of tea for myself. It’s like a meditation.


DFW, Texas

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