Date drunk: 2023 Jan 16

- First opened this sample in Dec 2020, when I gave it a rating of 98 with little explanation :( “Wet storage” in Singapore for the past 2-3 years hehe.
- 5g in 100ml porcelain gaiwan
- Dry leaf smells clean and very little odour. But there were a couple of single nylon? paper? fibres/hairs stuck into the leaves which was a little gross.
- Rinsed once and wet leaves bloomed with strong aroma of old wooden furniture, almost rotting wood. Rinsed second time and leaves still smelled bad.
- 1st infusion (100˚C, 0:15)
- Musty smell is gone, or has faded into background as pleasant aged smell. Still getting old furniture. Liquor tastes flavourful, mostly mushrooms, slight sweetness like jasmine rice / dried jujubes, slight woody astringency.
- Rating: 85
- 2nd infusion (100˚C, 0:20)
- Liquor is a clear dark reddish-brown with a purplish hue (as Togo puts it so poetically). Still has musty smell.
- More woody astringency than before, and liquor tastes earthy, dirt, old furniture, mushroom notes. Tastes sharp and I’m not detecting any sweetness in the liquor. Full-bodied, tongue-coating texture and leaves an aftertaste of that aged flavour + slight sweetness on tongue. This infusion I will drink together with my breakfast because I don’t like the flavour on its own. Damn, I think the cha qi is pretty strong I felt it giddy me when I stood up…
- Rating: 60
- 3rd infusion (100˚C, 0:15)
- Aroma: sweet rotting wood and steamed jasmine rice, musty. Liquor tastes of wet dirt and wood, but fragrant and sweet – sandalwood, bamboo shoots. Long sweet aftertaste on tongue. Fascinating how similar it tastes to the previous infusion, like it has the same DNA but just some notes were dialed up or down on the equalizer and it tastes less sharp, far more mellow and balanced. Mmm now we’re talking.
- Rating: 90
- 4th infusion (100˚C, 0:25)
- Reminds me more and more of that tea that Gong Gong’s relatives gifted to us, that tastes like dry rotted wood… But with a sweet and mellow roundedness.
- Rating: 75
- 5th infusion (100˚C, 0:30)
- Rating: 85
- 6th infusion (100˚C, 0:50)
- Combined with 5th
- Rating: 85
- 7th & 8th infusion (100˚C, 0:40)
- Gave to Mum.
- Rating:

Verdict: Will not purchase. Want to try this again in Jianshui teapot.
Rating: 79

Flavors: Bamboo, Decayed Wood, Dirt, Earth, Mushrooms, Musty, Rice, Sandalwood, Sweet

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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Amateur tea enthusiast here. I told myself I would start with studying Chinese teas when I first encountered good tea at Song Tea in San Francisco in 2016, and it’s now 2023 and I feel like I’m still just beginning to scratch the surface of Chinese teas.

Maybe someday I will move on to Indian, Japanese, Korean, etc. teas…

For my day job I work in tech as well as write some fiction on the side.

The next step in my tea journey is to start training my nose with an aroma kit to get a more precise handle on floral notes.

My Tea Rating Scale: (adapted from @benmw)
100 : Unforgettable, life-changing tea experience.
95–99: Extraordinary – Beyond impressive.
90–94: Impressive – Deep complexity, extreme clarity, or unexpected discovery of wonderful flavor. Made me reconsider the category. Would always want to drink this if I had the chance.
80–89: Delicious – Nuanced, balanced, clear, and complex layering of flavors. Would probably buy this tea again.
70–79: Very Good – Nuanced flavors, perhaps not as balanced or complex as the next step up, but clear and very enjoyable. Would consider buying again if the price was right.
60–69: Good – Clear flavors, representative of the category, but doesn’t set a standard. Good as an everyday tea. Would not buy unless desperate (e.g. when travelling without access to better tea).
50–59: Average. Would not pay money for this, but would drink if it was provided FOC.
30–49: Below Average. Would not drink this again even if it were free.
0–29: Undrinkable. Could not even finish the cup.



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