Still love this one. Pulled this out today in light of the free shipping coupon. On the upside, i can use it until June, so i can save it up for a purchase in the future where maybe i pick up a limited edition tea + black sunshine. AND i can work on drinking up some of my other teas from DFT (red tailed hawk, keemun, double knit, tiger, holiday, oktoberfest…..) heh

(oh yeah, thanks for putting this in my cupboard again nicole/omgsrsly…going to share some with cavocorax this weekend!)


OMG. You have… all their teas? Except the EG?


I don’t have caravan either at the moment…or the EG yeah


The only ones I’ve tried are the ones I have. :D


Used me a Facebook pm of whatever I have that you haven’t tried. I’ll set some aside


Wow autocorrect. Send me not used me


Everything. :D I have Tiger Assam and Black Sunshine.


SEND ME FACBEBOOK PM. sheesh. like i’ll remember here…over there i’ve got a little red number to annoy me until i pack them up


Which one is your favourite (since you have almost all of them!)? I wanna order but have never tried any…and shouldn’t order ALL of them lol


if you’re trying to take advantage of the free ship coupon but don’t mind waiting, i can send you samples when i get my bags in the mail…


You are awesome Sil! I would really appreciate that, so I don’t have to buy ALL THE TEA lol. And I can definitely wait.


can you send me a PM so that i don’t forget?

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OMG. You have… all their teas? Except the EG?


I don’t have caravan either at the moment…or the EG yeah


The only ones I’ve tried are the ones I have. :D


Used me a Facebook pm of whatever I have that you haven’t tried. I’ll set some aside


Wow autocorrect. Send me not used me


Everything. :D I have Tiger Assam and Black Sunshine.


SEND ME FACBEBOOK PM. sheesh. like i’ll remember here…over there i’ve got a little red number to annoy me until i pack them up


Which one is your favourite (since you have almost all of them!)? I wanna order but have never tried any…and shouldn’t order ALL of them lol


if you’re trying to take advantage of the free ship coupon but don’t mind waiting, i can send you samples when i get my bags in the mail…


You are awesome Sil! I would really appreciate that, so I don’t have to buy ALL THE TEA lol. And I can definitely wait.


can you send me a PM so that i don’t forget?

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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