I’m not sure how i feel about this tea yet. I have to repeatedly say, Kally Tea has excellent customer service. I had a really negative experience the other day and it just reinforced how much i apprecite those companies that take the time to think about their customers even when problems are minor. :)
So on with the tea… i really picked this one to try cold brewed as i thought it might be an interesting iced tea – i tend to really enjoy fruity iced teas. this one is like a tea that can’t make up it’s mind. am i lime? am i pear? am i blackberry? the result isn’t so much a random “berry” flavour..but a flavour that changes as you drink it. There’s a taste in there that this reminds me of…but i haven’t been able to place it yet. I’m hoping i’ll figure it out before i finish drinking it all. Overall an “interesting tea.”