So I have zero clue of how to do this well but here goes nothing. Im trying this in small steeps but totally just winging the temperature and amount of tea haha. Mostly I figured this is a decent way to keep me drinking tonight for a bit.

First steep I’m not even sure how to describe the smell coming off this tea. Hell I’m not even sure how to describe the tea. It’s not the green that I’m used to but it’s a really refreshing tea.

Second steep: did I mention the beautiful color of this tea? It’s a great yellow…one I’d almost think about painting my bathroom. The other half didn’t like this steep. This one is less vegetal to me…like there are other things hiding there that haven’t come out yet….

Third steep: this one is my favourite…not sure what the earlier taste is but that’s now gone and I’m left with a really fresh subtle green.

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Bonnie 13 years ago

I just wrote something for my blog (later) on this and my steeps were in a gaiwan and INSTANT like no time! I say it all the time. I never brew tea without going to the website’s and checking with the people who tell how to time it and how much to use. So, 3-4 grams in 4oz container 190f water for 10 seconds increasing a second or so. (Spring was 3 seconds) If you go longer you might get bitter tea.

Sil 13 years ago

Bonnie – yeah I went to the site, especially for verdant teas, I always double check. I just have no gaiwan and haven’t figured out a good way to do small steeps with the tools that I have on hand, this worked out alright though. I’m hoping I find a nice little gaiwan on vacation that I can bring back so it’ll be associated with vacation memories AND be functional and wonderful lol

Bonnie 13 years ago

You can use a mug and saucer which works well. I’ve done that. A smaller mug is about 8oz. so half is 4oz. I think I sounded snooty and didn’t mean to. Sorry. I hate wasting tea myself.

Sil 13 years ago

Haha you didn’t sound snooty Bonnie. I’m with you on the wasting tea. I got a bunch more steeps out of this one tonight, just got distracted from writing. If I had a saucer that would work lol. My apart,ent is a little ghetto these days. I’m sure I’ll resort to a tupperware lid or something eventually haha

Bonnie 13 years ago

I steeped this in some milk for 6 hours and then froze half…experimenting. Cooked with some too.

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Bonnie 13 years ago

I just wrote something for my blog (later) on this and my steeps were in a gaiwan and INSTANT like no time! I say it all the time. I never brew tea without going to the website’s and checking with the people who tell how to time it and how much to use. So, 3-4 grams in 4oz container 190f water for 10 seconds increasing a second or so. (Spring was 3 seconds) If you go longer you might get bitter tea.

Sil 13 years ago

Bonnie – yeah I went to the site, especially for verdant teas, I always double check. I just have no gaiwan and haven’t figured out a good way to do small steeps with the tools that I have on hand, this worked out alright though. I’m hoping I find a nice little gaiwan on vacation that I can bring back so it’ll be associated with vacation memories AND be functional and wonderful lol

Bonnie 13 years ago

You can use a mug and saucer which works well. I’ve done that. A smaller mug is about 8oz. so half is 4oz. I think I sounded snooty and didn’t mean to. Sorry. I hate wasting tea myself.

Sil 13 years ago

Haha you didn’t sound snooty Bonnie. I’m with you on the wasting tea. I got a bunch more steeps out of this one tonight, just got distracted from writing. If I had a saucer that would work lol. My apart,ent is a little ghetto these days. I’m sure I’ll resort to a tupperware lid or something eventually haha

Bonnie 13 years ago

I steeped this in some milk for 6 hours and then froze half…experimenting. Cooked with some too.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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